For Authors

Information and Analytical Journal (IAJ) «Social and Humanitarian sciences. Domestic and foreign literature». Series 4: «State and Law» publishes articles, reviews and reviews that have not been published before and are not under consideration in other journals.

The manuscripts must be uploaded to the application system and sent as a *.doc or *.docx file to the journal's email address: in compliance with Manuscript submission rules and the procedure for providing information about the author.

All manuscripts undergo a double-blind review procedure, and are also checked through the Anti-Plagiarism system. The author is informed about the results of the review by e-mail.

When accepting a manuscript for publication, a license agreement is concluded with the author on granting the right to use the work (non-exclusive license).

Manuscript submission rules

When preparing a manuscript for submission to the editorial office, authors should follow the following rules, compiled taking into account the requirements of Russian and international associations and organizations, including the principles and rules of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), and the requirements of the VAK (Higher Attestation Commission).


Should be sent to the editorial office in an electronic version via an online form. The manuscript file with the article uploaded to the system must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (have the extension *.doc, *.docx).

1) the length of a full text (article, review) must be 25,000 characters and not exceed 30,000 characters (including spaces), i.e. from 14 to 15 pages. A review (recensio) should not exceed 8 pages.

2) the format of the manuscript text. The text should be printed in Times New Roman font, has a size of 14 pt and a line spacing of 1.5 pt. The margins on each side of the page are 2 cm;

3) the file with the text of the article uploaded to the manuscript submission form must contain all the information necessary for publication;

4) the text of the manuscript should not contain grammatical, spelling, punctuation, stylistic and logical errors;

5) editorial changes to the text of the manuscript are made in agreement with the author and are accompanied by a page-by-page signature of the author;

6) the author takes into account the comments and corrections of the text by the editor and the proofreader, justifies the answers to questions about the manuscript.


1) full name of the author, title of the article (review, recensio) (in Russian and English).

2) abstract (up to 120 words) and keywords (7 – 10) in Russian (duplicated in English);

3) full text of the article (review) should preferably be structured according to sections: «Introduction» (rationale for the topic), the main part divided into semantic blocks with subheadings, «Findings (conclusion)»;

4) articles contain page-by-page footnotes, the format of which meets the requirements of the bibliographic description (refer to the IAJ’s archive);

5) reviews include the relevant lists of literature sources (at the end of the review), compiled alphabetically. Domestic sources are listed first, following by foreign ones. A review should include 5 sources at minimum. The lists of sources (references) are duplicated (in Russian) in English (or in the original language);

Examples of bibliographic format of sources in the reference list and in footnotes

1. Vakula M.A., Umnova-Koniukhova I.A. Environmental law in the XXI century: actual problems, challenges and solutions. – Moscow : RUDN, 2021. – 260 p.

2. Mishchenko A.S., Ostashevsky A.V., Krainikh I.G. Fake news in Russian Internet media: legal regulation // Historical and socio-educational thought. – Krasnodar, 2020. – Vol. 12, N 5. – P. 85-92.

3. Polyakova T.A., Minbaleev A.V., Krotkova N.V. New vectors of information law development in the conditions of civilizational crisis and digital transformation // State and Law. – Moscow, 2020. – N 5. – P. 75-87.

4. Umnova-Koniukhova I.A. Concepts of sustainable development, human ecology and quality of life in international and national ecological and legal dimensions: before and after the COVID-19 pandemic // Social and Humanitarian Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Ser. 4: State and law: IAZH. – 2021. – N 3. – P. 23.

5. Shustrov D.G. Constitution and constituent power: the problem of limitation // Constitutional and municipal law. – 2022. – N 2. – P. 29-39

6. Yastrebova A.Yu. Separate approaches to the system of special principles of international humanitarian law: content and evolution // Moscow Journal of International Law. – Moscow, 2022. – N 3. – P. 6-18.

7. Belov M. Post-human Constitutionalism? A Critical Defence of Anthropocentric and Humanist Traditions in Algorithmic Society // The IT Revolution and Its Impact on State, Constitutionalism and Public Law / ed. by M. Belov. – Oxford, 2021. – P. 15–40.

8. Constitutional Challenges in the Algorithmic Society / ed. by H.-W. Micklitz, O. Pollicino, A. Reichman, A. Simoncini, G. Sartor, G. de Gregorio. – Cambridge; New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2022. – 330 p.;

9. Celeste E. Digital Constitutionalism. The Role of Internet Bills of Rights. – Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 2023. – 242 p.

6) the articles and reviews contain analysis of recent legal literature of the last two years (domestic publications) and of the last three years (for foreign sources). If there is a need to mention earlier sources from other years of the publication, the page-by-page footnotes are used and should be used to a limited extent;

7) the references to sources in an article or a review (throughout the text of the manuscript) are made in square brackets in the following format (for example): [5, p. 34] (where figure 5 is the ordinal number of the source in the Reference list, and p. is the number of the cited page);

8) the footnotes containing references to normative legal acts and official documents, international conventions and agreements, official judicial practice available in legal information databases (ConsultantPlus, Garant, etc.) are not welcome. All of them are available in their current versions in the relevant legal information databases.

Examples of the format of reference to normative legal acts in the text of the manuscript:

- Federal Law N 27-FZ of 23.08.1996 (revision 17.02.2023) «On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy»;

- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 23.05.1996 N 763 (revision 03.03.2022) «On the procedure for the publication and entry into force of acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities»;

- Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the provision of state services for the issuance, replacement of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 16.11.2020 N 773 (revision 26.07.2022), etc.

The procedure for providing information about the author

The manuscript must contain information about the author:

- Full name;

- academic degree, academic title, position, structural unit and full name of the organization (main place of work);

- postal address (with zip code and country indication), e-mail address, phone number (with area code).