Information technologies and «digital» crime (Review)

Alferov O.L., Alferova E.V.


This review presents new monographs on the use of information technologies in criminal law and criminal procedure, and the views of a number of researchers on the problems of their legal regulation. Attention to this topic is due to the active development of the processes of informatization and digitalization and the use of their achievements in human life, society and the state. At the same time, according to researchers, information technologies are increasingly being used not only in people's professional and daily activities, but also in the criminal environment, used for criminal purposes and becoming more sophisticated and dangerous. The authors of the books not only classify and characterize the elements of crime in the field of information technology, but also offer specific legal solutions to many problems related to them.


information and communication technologies; information law; digital law; computer crime; information crime: technotronic crime.

DOI: 10.31249/iajpravo/2024.04.06

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